Insights from VAF Blog

Celebrating Van Ausdall & Farrar's 110th Anniversary: A Legacy of Innovation and Excellence

June 21st, 2024 by admin

In the world of business, longevity is a testament to resilience, adaptability, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. Few companies have the privilege of reaching a centennial milestone, and even fewer can boast a rich history spanning over a century....

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Posted in: Information

Van Ausdall and Farrar, Inc. is Now a Qualified Ricoh ProVision Dealer Partner

January 17th, 2024 by Les Royce

Van Ausdall & Farrar is proud to announce that we've are now a qualified ProVision Dealer for Ricoh! We're honored to be recognized by Ricoh for our efforts and to partner with such a prestigious company. For those who don't know, to be a ProVision...

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Posted in: Information

Why Your Business Needs Physical Security Solutions

April 19th, 2022 by Van Ausdall & Farrar

Protecting your business’s assets, sensitive information and employees should be at the top of any company’s list. In this modern era of business, we take every precaution available to us to keep our online information safe and secure. From multi-factor...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog, Information

What Is Enterprise Content Management and Automation?

December 1st, 2021 by Van Ausdall & Farrar

If your business still stores important documents and information in a filing cabinet, consider stepping into the future by contacting Van Ausdall & Farrar to implement an enterprise content management and automation solution. An effective enterprise...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog, Cloud Solutions, Data Security & Compliance Solutions, Information, Process

Recorded Presentation - Why Great IT Matters

August 26th, 2020 by Guillermo Fernandez

Trent and Guillermo do an outstanding job outlining the case for the elements that are critical to Great IT. Find out why Continuity, Performance Reputation and Compliance are categories that leaders focus on to stay on course. Understand how Detection,...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog, Cloud Solutions, Data Security & Compliance Solutions, Information, Managed IT Solutions

Return to Work Health Screening ESSENTIALS

August 4th, 2020 by Ashlee Colliver

After being closed for months or working remotely you, as business leaders are eager to reopen your business successfully and securely, but the questions are how? Before we can offer a solution on how to securely open your business, we need to decide...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog, Data Security & Compliance Solutions, Information, Process

Recorded Presentation - Demystifying Zero Trust

July 24th, 2020 by Guillermo Fernandez

Chad Scott and Andrew Short return for another compelling web presentation. This time they talk about the Zero Trust security strategy many organizations are now exploring. This thought-provoking presentation will get you thinking about your current...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog, Cloud Solutions, Data Security & Compliance Solutions, Information, Managed IT Solutions

The Current State of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indiana

April 29th, 2020 by Trent Smith

THE CURRENT STATE OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN INDIANA AND WHY IT WILL ALTER THE TRAJECTORY OF HOOSIER BUSINESSES FOREVER Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb announced that he will decide some time this week whether to extend Indiana’s stay at home order, and...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog, Communications, Cloud Solutions, Data Security & Compliance Solutions, Information, Managed IT Solutions

Struggling to Find What You Need to Do Your Job? Maybe We Can Help

April 9th, 2020 by Brian Courtney

Over my 30 year career I have worked in a small office, large corporate office, a branch office, and a home office. Being a “people person”, I have to say that my preference is being in a busy office working on deals with my team face to face but these...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog, Cloud Solutions, Data Security & Compliance Solutions, Information, Process

Across the Nation Workers are taking the Tape off their Webcam due to another Virus

March 24th, 2020 by Guillermo Fernandez

Many of us have done it. We heard the stories of hackers snooping into our lives by connecting into our meagerly prepared home networks, to view and intimidate our families through our computer, doorbell or security camera. So, we added a little piece...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog, Communications, Cloud Solutions, Data Security & Compliance Solutions, Information, Managed IT Solutions

Scan Documents with your i-Phone

March 18th, 2020 by Guillermo Fernandez

As many of us are working from home these days, sooner or later you’ll find the need to scan a document and send it to someone at another location (I’m guessing most of you do not have fax machines in your house). If you’re like me, you’ve likely used...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog, Communications, Cloud Solutions, Data Security & Compliance Solutions, Information, Managed IT Solutions

Audio and Video Conferencing for At-home Workers

March 18th, 2020 by Guillermo Fernandez

As a larger percentage of knowledge workers are working from home due to the Coronavirus, I am receiving many how-to's about conference calls and other forms of collaboration. Many people are unaware that their Office 365 subscription gives them access...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog, Communications, Cloud Solutions, Data Security & Compliance Solutions, Information, Managed IT Solutions

The Solution to Business Continuity during Coronavirus (COVID-19) Spread

March 11th, 2020 by Kent Lemley

Many organizations are starting to develop strategies that maintain business continuity while taking precautions to limit the spread of COVID-19. Some organizations are forced with making a choice between employee health and on-going operations. Twenty...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog, Communications, Cloud Solutions, Data Security & Compliance Solutions, Information, Managed IT Solutions

Steps to Effective Mobile Device Security in 2019

October 22nd, 2019 by Ashlee Colliver

If you’re in charge of corporate IT, you know computers can be tricky to keep secure. When you add in the factor of portability – like when a mobile device is checked out of the office – your challenge grows exponentially. ESSENTIAL LAYERS OF MOBILE DEVICE...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog, Data Security & Compliance Solutions, Information, Managed IT Solutions

How to Make Your AP Processing More Efficient in 2020

October 15th, 2019 by Brian Courtney

As we’re seeing more and more, the science fiction world of robots and artificial intelligence dominating our lives becomes less fiction and more science every day. In the business realm, the efficiencies and cost savings provided by process automation...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog, Information

Email Phishing and Spoofing Are Serious Threats to Your Business

September 23rd, 2019 by Guillermo Fernandez

Once upon a time not too long ago, fishing and spoofing were enjoyable activities. Relaxation; fresh air and fresh seafood; a friendly prank for fun; a few laughs with friends. Then electronic communications like email, texting, and emojis took over our...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog, Data Security & Compliance Solutions, Information, Training, Cybersecurity

Going Remote: How to Solve the IT Challenges of a Growing Virtual Workforce

August 27th, 2019 by Ashlee Colliver

It’s too late to turn back the tide. Working remotely is a trend that has grown past the point of being a short-term fad with unknown long-term consequences. At this point, including a virtual workforce as part of a corporate staff is the norm. Performance...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog, Cloud Solutions, Data Security & Compliance Solutions, Information

Five Reasons to Become Paper “Less”

May 1st, 2019 by Brian Courtney

While the workplace will never go completely paperless, it is definitely becoming paper-less. In other words, paper isn’t going away, but there are some real advantages to convert hard copies to digital data. Here Are Five Important Reasons for Becoming...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog, Data Security & Compliance Solutions, Information

Protect Your Company with IT Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

February 8th, 2017 by Jeff Jenney

It may look easy on the surface: protecting your assets with IT Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) is as simple as planning, backup, replication and testing. Well, not so fast. Key Drivers for BCDR Before you jump headstrong into a disaster...

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Posted in: Data Security & Compliance Solutions, Information, Managed IT Solutions

Cloud Data Protection by Acronis at Van Ausdall & Farrar, Inc.

January 24th, 2017 by admin

Technological innovation, speed and precision are key factors uniting Van Ausdall & Farrar, Inc. and Acronis We are pleased to announce our new partnership with Acronis, a global leader in hybrid cloud data protection. Acronis sets the...

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Posted in: Cloud Solutions, Data Security & Compliance Solutions, Information

3 Ways to Achieve Enterprise-Grade Collaboration at an SMB Price Point

June 15th, 2016 by Trent Smith

Every business, regardless of size or focus, relies on its communications system. Without a reliable phone system, the critical interaction between employee and customer can’t happen, which means your business won’t grow and thrive. Just as important...

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Posted in: Information