Insights from VAF Blog

How Does Content Management Make Office Procedures More Productive?

May 20th, 2024 by Les Royce

Content management plays a crucial role in enhancing office productivity by streamlining processes, improving collaboration, and ensuring efficient information management. In today's fast-paced business environment, where data and digital assets...

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Posted in: Managed IT Solutions

What Are the Benefits of Document Conversion Services?

October 16th, 2023 by admin

Gone are those days when offices used to have a room dedicated to files. Shelves and cabinets piled with papers and documents were the norm. In today's digital world, paper holds less importance. For businesses to streamline workflow, it's essential...

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Posted in: Managed IT Solutions

Improve Communication with Cloud Services

September 1st, 2023 by admin

In the digital age, effective communication is the bedrock of successful businesses and organizations. As technology continues to reshape how we connect and collaborate, cloud services have emerged as a game-changing solution that revolutionizes...

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Posted in: Cloud Solutions

Protect Your Business with VSecure IT Services

August 2nd, 2023 by admin

In today's digitally interconnected world, businesses of all sizes face many cyber threats that can significantly disrupt their operations, compromise sensitive data, and damage their reputation. The importance of implementing robust security measures...

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Posted in: Security

All The Benefits of Managed Print Services

June 15th, 2023 by admin

Managed Print Services (MPS) are an increasingly popular way for businesses to reduce costs and improve the efficiency of their print operations. MPS simplifies printing processes, provides cost-saving options, enhances document security, and improves...

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Posted in: Print

Benefits of New Printing Technology for Your Business

November 18th, 2022 by Van Ausdall & Farrar

The digital revolution is here, and businesses everywhere are spending time and resources to future-proof their companies. From migrating their data to a cloud server to revamping their online security, business owners are doing what they can to keep...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog, Print

Switching Your Business from Print to Digital in 2022 with Document Conversion Services

June 22nd, 2022 by Van Ausdall & Farrar

From typewriters to laptops, and from cash to credit, the world is evolving into a paperless place, and who can blame it? For more than the last century, businesses have trusted their most valuable information on paper. However, in 2022, paper is less...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog

How to Implement a Document Conversion Solution

March 4th, 2022 by Van Ausdall & Farrar

In the digital era, finding any important file or piece of information is as easy as using a search tool. But if your company is still using hard copies and paper files, there is no search function that can find the file you’re looking for easily. That’s...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog, Process, Managed IT Solutions

Scan Documents with your i-Phone

March 18th, 2020 by Guillermo Fernandez

As many of us are working from home these days, sooner or later you’ll find the need to scan a document and send it to someone at another location (I’m guessing most of you do not have fax machines in your house). If you’re like me, you’ve likely used...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog, Communications, Cloud Solutions, Data Security & Compliance Solutions, Information, Managed IT Solutions

Going Remote: How to Solve the IT Challenges of a Growing Virtual Workforce

August 27th, 2019 by Ashlee Colliver

It’s too late to turn back the tide. Working remotely is a trend that has grown past the point of being a short-term fad with unknown long-term consequences. At this point, including a virtual workforce as part of a corporate staff is the norm. Performance...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog, Cloud Solutions, Data Security & Compliance Solutions, Information

Is Your Most Vital Corporate Data "Paper-Locked"?

February 15th, 2018 by Brian Courtney

This is a question that comes up frequently as I work with new clients. These clients are often overwhelmed with the seemingly impossible size and scope of tackling a digital transformation project for their organization. The overall theme ties back to...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog

Technology Number Three, After Process & Planning

March 22nd, 2017 by Guillermo Fernandez

ONLY WHEN THAT YOU HAVE THE WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY AND HOW IS IT TIME TO TALK TECHNOLOGY If you’re managing a modern office, it’s so easy to be seduced by new technology. There are lots of cool technologies out there -like systems that implement...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog, Managed IT Solutions

Be Less Paper Dependent

March 14th, 2017 by Guillermo Fernandez

Most organizations take one look at their too-full file cabinets or their clutter-filled offices and decide right on the spot, “Let’s work to make this company less paper dependent.” It makes a lot of sense, really – why would anyone want to waste precious...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog

Paperless Workflow for Mortgage Bankers with Document Capture Technology

January 17th, 2017 by Guillermo Fernandez

Mortgage bankers today are faced with processing a tremendous volume of paperwork for each mortgage loan they need to consider. With ever-changing regulations and requirements, the size of standard loan paperwork has increased to 700 pages – and it is...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog

Speech Recognition Solutions for Health Professionals Improve Patient Care

January 10th, 2017 by Greg Moheban

Why are healthcare professionals adopting speech recognition technologies at a much faster growth rate than in the past? Speech recognition has been around for many years, yet right now, the hospital IT market is really taking notice. Why? Many healthcare...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog

The Challenge of Big Document Analytics

January 3rd, 2017 by Guillermo Fernandez

The concept of utilizing capture technology for analytics and data discovery is relatively new. “There is a dichotomy in the perceived value of corporate information,” says Tim Dubes, Vice President of Marketing at Ephesoft, Inc., a VAF partner that provides...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog

Time is Now for Lawyers to Get Savvy about Mobile Speech Productivity

December 26th, 2016 by Greg Moheban

Twenty-sixteen is a big year for lawyers and mobile technology. Statistically speaking, all lawyers now access work email, perform legal research and communicate with clients or colleagues 1) while away from their offices and 2) using smartphones, laptops...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog

When Healthcare Professionals Go Mobile

December 19th, 2016 by Guillermo Fernandez

Imagine having secure access to complete patient records anywhere, anytime. As a busy healthcare professional, what if… You could access more complete patient information from your mobile device You could capture images, signatures and...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog

Driving Your Technology

September 13th, 2016 by Guillermo Fernandez

Growing up, it seemed like we were always taking long family drives to a relative’s house or to see some part of the country that needed to be appreciated. Mind you, these weren’t thirty minute trips to the outlet mall. These were of the 8- or 9-hour...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog

Data Security - On a Small Scale

July 22nd, 2016 by Brian Courtney

Data Security, simply put is protecting data from destructive forces and from unwanted actions from unauthorized users. Data itself can take many forms inside a normal business structure. Data can be sensitive personal information about employees, or...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog

Records Management vs. Information Governance - What's the Difference?

June 23rd, 2016 by Brian Courtney

With all of the various software solutions surrounding the management of information, it is understandable that most of us struggle keeping it all straight. Dozens, if not hundreds, of companies tout their expertise in areas such as Document Management,...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog

I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking for…

April 24th, 2016 by Guillermo Fernandez

With apologies to U2 for borrowing their lyric. We’re all aware of the statistics. Data is proliferating. Gartner predicts that the number of connected devices will eclipse 32 billion by 2020. It’s not just computers and smartphones creating and storing...

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Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog