Technology Number Three, After Process & Planning

March 22nd, 2017 by Guillermo Fernandez


If you’re managing a modern office, it’s so easy to be seduced by new technology. There are lots of cool technologies out there -like systems that implement document management or paperless information. Very cool, indeed.

But, how many can provide your business with measurable value? Or improve a process that is augmented by technology rather than created by it?

What Really Matters is Why

Before deciding which cool technology to acquire, the question you should ask yourself is, why would you want to “go paperless”? If all you’re doing is tossing those big file cabinets or clearing a desk of paper, what have you accomplished, really? More importantly, what would it mean for your business?

Without a good process and good planning, that paper mess just becomes an electronic mess. You may be adding to your frustration, too- right now, at least you know that somewhere on that desk of yours, is that document. If you store that document in a digital drive, it’s likely to be much harder to find than sorting through the paper on your desk.

Money Can’t Buy Process & Planning

Whether you spend $50 or $500,000 on new technology, without a process and plan to facilitate that process, you would be better off spending on just about anything else. What’s more, it is important to identify the processes that are costing you money, and those that are making you money. Often, they are one in the same.

Expert Help

Working with a consultant who is an expert on business processes can help make a good process better. Here’s how:

  • Consultants will analyze a current process to determine its weaknesses, gaps and bottlenecks.
  • Once the process is vetted, consultants work with you to brainstorm possibilities for improvement. How does the process benefit your business? Such as additional dollars to the bottom line, higher profit margins and better customer retention. Real measurable results rather than arbitrary benefits like efficiency, less steps or less paper.
  • Consultants will come up with a plan. They’ll get input from key stakeholders, providing them with key reasons why the process will improve. Their buy-in will make implementation infinitely better, and make realizing the identified benefits much quicker.
  • Consultants help to roll out an improved process based on the “go live” date, working back from there.

Now That You Have the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How – It’s Time to Talk Technology

The technology is used to facilitate the process (not the other way around) and supports all the work already accomplished. Try not to get caught up in cool features or novel whatnots. If you don’t need access from a mobile device, who cares about a mobile app? Any features or benefits must support your why. Your why is what makes your business process better.

Enterprise Content Management Solutions and Services from Van Ausdall & Farrar, Inc.

If left unmanaged, your data, documents and content can become overwhelming, making it difficult to find the right intelligence you need when you need it. The art of the document management system lies in process and planning.

Van Ausdall & Farrar is breaking new ground with custom Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solutions that capture documents, manage, store, preserve, processing, filing and deliver information across your entire enterprise. We are experts in Automated Forms Processing, Content Management & Workflow, Document Finishing and Scanning, Software and Data Distribution.

Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog, Managed IT Solutions