Managed Print Trends that You Cannot Afford to Ignore in 2020

December 18th, 2019 by Brian Courtney

The 21st Century’s third decade is upon us. Welcome to the 2020s. Since this century began, the business world has been disrupted by new technology to a degree imagined only by science fiction writers–and almost everything they wrote has basically come true. An obvious trend in the previous two decades was that service-based corporations replaced manufacturing-based corporations as the drivers of our economy and our daily habits.

Few of today’s most influential corporations (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Netflix) had any impact on the previous century, but in the first 20 years of this century, they grew to dominate our business and personal lives. A common aspect among all of these corporations is they provide transformative services for free or for a very affordable subscription-based fee.

A big reason these corporations and their services have become so dominant in our society is that they actually improve our well-being. They create uplifting changes that make our daily lives better. They help us to almost instantaneously access desired information, entertainment, and products. They connect us to people, places, and things we never had access to before. They save us time and money. They make a difference in the way we all live our lives–and the way business is conducted.


A business trend for the next decade that will be at the core of success is Managed Print Services (MPS). Why? Because MPS can be a transformative service. It definitely improves the lives of business stakeholders by almost instantaneously connecting them to desired assets and data, and then allowing them to use that information to deliver needed results. Plus, it makes sense economically.

MPS can be a useful management tool and an avenue for growth in several ways:

  • Security

    This week’s headline-making ransomware cyberattacks caused disastrous financial and personal results for the residents of a city in Florida and the patients of over 100 nationwide dental offices. Every week, it’s the same story in different locations. If it seems as if we continually write about the importance of your business network’s security, it’s because we do.

    Cybersecurity is probably the #1 issue of concern for IT professionals as we enter the new decade–for a good reason. Risk management is paramount in every area of business, and in the IT realm, that means protecting your network and your stakeholders from the ever-increasing online threats of hackers and other evil-doers.

  • Digital Age Adherence

    As much as many people would like to hold onto the Analog Age for the comfort of familiarity it provides, those days are long gone. MPS can play a significant role in finalizing your organization’s transformation into a fully-digital operation that has the ability to compete head-to-head (and integrate as needed) with the dominant players in the global business arena.

    After all, if you’re not playing the same game in the same arena, you absolutely cannot compete with the top-level competition–let alone beat them. They will eventually crush you and make your life miserable. You must stay on top of technology trends in the Digital Age or you won’t be able to successfully compete and survive in a marketplace full of competitors who do.

  • Environmentally Friendly

    Think about the time and energy spent if you drove or walked to your local library’s reference room to conduct some research. Or consider the amount of carbon monoxide NOT released into the air by all of the individual daily car trips that are eliminated by the physical delivery of hundreds of packages a day by just one Prime truck or the streamed delivery of new popular Netflix movies and TV shows into millions of homes simultaneously. Or the gasoline and jet fuel NOT burned by long-distance video and virtual conferences to conduct import meetings and transactions.

    Making an effort to improve and protect the environment is not only the right thing to do, but it will also play an increasingly important role in a brand’s marketing message and overall survival rate moving forward. Eco-friendly organizations will thrive in the 21st Century and the rest will become extinct. MPS is environmentally friendly because it features the latest energy-conserving equipment and print material delivery options and protocols.

  • Stay on Top of Technology

    Did we mention that MPS features the latest equipment and printing protocols? Instead of buying and holding onto purchased printing equipment that eventually becomes antiquated, which obstructs achieving your business goals, an MPS agreement allows you to continually update and upgrade your equipment as needed–both on-site and in the cloud. This ensures your stakeholders have access to the tools and information they need when they need them, so you stay ahead of the competition and reach your goals.


Partnering with Van Ausdall & Farrar for your Managed Print Services provides you with the flexibility and affordability to adjust to other rapidly-changing business trends in 2020 and beyond. It also provides you with our 100+ years of experience implementing and managing secure technology solutions, which could have come in handy as far as those folks in Florida and nationwide dental patients are concerned. For more information, click or tap here to contact us.

Posted in: Insights from VAF Blog, Print