Process Management

Business Document Conversion Service

There are many reasons companies decide to go from paper to digital; regulatory compliance, space issues, financial reasons, their documents are at risk of loss through potential fire or water damage, and inability to find important and valuable documents because they literally cannot be searched. Yet, companies trying to move away from hard documents to digital are often overwhelmed by all that needs to be done to convert them. Document conversion services provided by Van Ausdall & Farrar can help your business in a variety of ways.

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Benefits of Document Conversion Services

Some of the benefits of contacting VAF for document conversion services include:

Gain More Physical Space

The costs for physical office space are growing at a rapid pace. Storing critical business records in a locked room can be a very costly endeavor combined with the fact that the security and access to these records are severely limited. With the potential reality of a permanent hybrid workforce, companies of all sizes and industries are rethinking how they utilize their current office space. Cluttered file rooms or walls of filing cabinets can be utilized for collaboration space or areas for hybrid workers to perform their work while in the office.

Searchability, Records Management, and Retention

Having records scanned, indexed, and made searchable (OCR) does not need to be a daunting project with VAF. VAF has significant hardware, software, and human resources to make short work of your critical business records, giving you the ability to search and manage the records from a retention standpoint.

Enabling the Hybrid Remote Workforce

Having critical business records locked away in a file room makes it impossible for remote or hybrid employees to do their jobs. Having access to these records in a secure and searchable form is more affordable with VAF.

VAF's Document Conversion Service

Backfile Scanning and Indexing

VAF operates a very secure document conversion center (DCC) in its corporate headquarters in Indianapolis. The DCC utilizes the very latest Opex scanning systems coupled with industry-leading intelligent capture software provided by Ephesoft. VAF has the People, Processes, and Technology capable of processing millions of images per month with page-for-page Quality Control and strict chain-of-custody to assure your documents and data are handled securely.

Day-Forward Business Process Outsourcing

In addition to assisting you in ridding yourself of the file cabinets and boxes, VAF has a number of ways to improve your day-forward business processes as well. VAF can process your day-forward documents via a secure lock-box/BPO arrangement, or we can provide the equipment, staffing, and hardware for you to deploy internally to support critical business areas such as AP, AR, Contract Management, and HR.

As a business technology provider partnering with many of the Gartner Magic quadrant partners like Opex, Fujitsu, Canon, Hyland OnBase, Square9 Softworks, and Ephesoft, VAF can offer a multitude of solutions to your complex situation. Let VAF's consultants assess your current business process needs to determine the best course of action to improve your information security, compliance, and automation.

Secure Document Destruction

VAF has the ability to securely destroy your files once your backfile scanning project is complete. Significant investments have been made to streamline the certified destruction of your records. Once your records have been scanned and signed off on VAF's chain-of-custody, files can be destroyed inside of VAF's headquarters.

Why Contact Van Ausdall & Farrar?

If your business needs help converting hard documents to digital, don't hesitate to contact VAF for document conversion solutions. VAF can provide the latest technology and strategic initiatives to improve your processes. Contact the document conversion team at VAF today to learn more about why so many companies around the world trust us.

Learn more about the benefits of business document conversion services.

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To learn more about how our business process solutions can help implement improvements and improve operational efficiency, contact Van Ausdall & Farrar today.