Cloud Solutions
The cloud, simply put, is the place where most technology services live. It’s the place where your information is stored. It’s the software you use. It houses the security measures you place around your data. The cloud provides the backbone for everything we do and how we use information today.
Cloud solutions are being increasingly embraced by companies to help their employees be more productive because they can access data from anywhere, including email, files, applications, e-commerce… even voicemail and contact information. Companies who purpose to use the cloud find themselves at an advantage over their competitors who are still using in-house servers on which to store their data. Cloud solutions are easier to manage, easier to access, and less expensive than in-house technology is to update, upgrade, and maintain.
Benefits Cloud Solutions Offer
Increased Information Storage Space. With the cloud, most companies enjoy unlimited storage space housed at location separate from their own in-house servers. Companies are able to store as much data as desired and know it will be kept secure.
Business Continuity. The cloud ensures that your business never misses a beat with downed servers or slower networks. Employees can work virtually anywhere in the world with access to real-time information when and where they need it.
Saves Time and Cost. Since employees can work anywhere, cloud solutions drive productivity up while driving costs down. When companies don’t have to maintain expensive servers, they have less cost associated with their hardware, as well as less cost in paying people to manage the equipment.
Our Services Include:
- Subscription Services
- Co-location
- Cloud Hosting
- Virtualization
Our Data Center
Our data center, which houses the main storage and host servers, is rated Class V, meeting hardened data center requirements. It is able to sustain 200 MPH winds and is protected by both a primary and secondary distributed UPS system, as well as a backup generator. The center is served by five Internet carriers, offering redundancy and the ability to meet any and all bandwidth requirements.
Why Use Van Ausdall & Farrar?
We’ve been an IT Service Provider in Indiana for 25 years.
We know IT and have partnerships with Best-in-Class manufacturers.
We can leverage the experience of a larger team of technicians that offer depth with more products and services than most have today, and our tools can provide visibility into your network to limit or prevent costly down time.
We will provide your organization with periodic IT Assessments and will meet with you, as desired, to uncover important initiatives that will make your business stronger and more competitive in your industry.
Schedule an Appointment Today
If you’re interested in learning more about how our information technology solutions can help your business grow and stay protected, don’t hesitate to reach out to the technology professionals at VAF today. Contact us to schedule an appointment.